VSUES scientific events in 2019

  • Petruk G.V.

    G,V. Petruk. Vladivostok State Uniiversity of Economics and Service. Vladivostok.Russia


Today the state pays quite a lot of attention to popularization Science, and that 's understandable. The role and importance of science has been largely lost for society, and to raise the prestige of this knowledge system, it is necessary to Kie, modern forms of activities to promote her achievements. Important with Early childhood instilling interest in science, developing in the younger generation lu-
boznatelnost. VGUES actively participates in the popularization of science for both students and residents of the city. In 2019 on the basis of the university passed a number of impressive scientific events, which not only allowed their participants - scientists and students - to reveal their potential, but also given opportunity to join the science of the residents of the city.